Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Where did summer go?

Here's a quick look at where our summer has gone.
*Carter learned how to crawl! Yikes, watch out!!
*We love to go camping and we bought a trailer, woooo hooo!!!
*Cierra competed in "belly bumpers" at her 5th grade track and field day.
*Camping and boating at Charbonneau for Memorial weekend. What a blast, fun with lots of cousins! Carter had a nice nap in a camp chair by the river.
*I now am a parent of teenager. Harley turned 13!
*Spencer helping Alex do some work in the yard. Building forms for concrete in the driveway and setting fence posts.
*A long drive and a short stay at Priest Lake in Idaho. It sure was pretty!! We will surely be going back!
*Ward camp out at a nearby church camp. The kids had a great time catching crawdads in the little river.
*Check out that nice muddy rig after Alex took the kids fishing! He had to take it through the car wash at least 4 times!
*Lots of swimming at the pool. Carter fits right in with the rest of the kids, he loves the pool. Didn't Cierra do a good job, she took that picture of Carter, way to go C!!

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